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Exam Proctoring

MCLS Proctoring Policy

Exam Proctoring
In support of its mission to promote lifelong learning the Madison County Library System will proctor exams for students upon request and availability of personnel, facilities and technology to do so.

Fees and Costs
There is no fee for this service for Madison County residents and/or MCLS card holders; however, the library will not incur any costs for administering or returning written exams. The student or the examining institution must provide a return envelope and sufficient postage. The library charges $1.00 per page to fax. The library also charges .20 per page to photocopy. All costs must be paid prior to administration of the exam.

Exams are administered by appointment only and applications for proctoring must be submitted at least 3 days in advance. The library agrees to provide a reasonably quiet space for students to undertake the exam but students should be mindful that the library is a public building.

All students must complete an exam proctoring application which will specify the name of the institution offering the exam, contact information of the teacher or testing center administrator, and specific information regarding the requirements of the proctored exam, duration of the testing time, and use of permissible external resources.
The library will proctor both written and online exams. Online testing will be done via a library computer or the student’s personal computer if allowed by the institution. The library will not download software onto library computers. The library cannot guarantee that technical problems will not occur when using the library’s network or its computers.
The student must make arrangements with the examining institution to have written exams sent or delivered to the library.
The student will be required to present a valid picture I.D. at the time of the exam and other credentials required by the examining institution. The student is responsible to know what is required.
Proctors will enforce any written time limits that are placed on the exam, as well as other rules set forth in the examination materials. The use of cell phones or visiting with others is prohibited during the exam. Any perceived violation of the posted rules for the exam will be reported to the examining institution.
Prior contact between the examining institution and the proctor is required so that credibility and exam requirements can be verified.

Librarians and/or library personnel cannot proctor exams that students bring in themselves.

The Library will not be responsible for any delayed exams, incompleted exams nor for any completed exams once they leave the library’s possession and have been mailed back to the examining institution.

The Library will not be responsible for exams that are interrupted by Library emergencies, power failures, or computer hardware or software failures. The exam will be rescheduled along with notification of examining institution.

Due to legal and ethical matters, the proctor will not sign a proctoring statement that attests to more than they are able to do.
Responsibilities of the Exam Taker
· Fill out the Application for Proctoring Service form and return it to the Circulation Desk at the desired MCLS branch location. The Branch Manager will then contact you to complete the necessary paperwork your examining institution requires.
· our examining institution may have specific requirements for proctoring. Check with the Branch Manager to make sure the Library can meet all of the requirements.
· Call prior to your exam to make sure the exam or login information has arrived. The Branch Manager does not contact you when the exam arrives.
· Arrive promptly at the agreed-upon time, prepared with the items required for taking the exam. These may include picture I.D., money, pens/#2 pencils and calculator. Only items listed in the exam instructions will be allowed in the exam area. You are responsible for securing personal items before the exam begins.
· It is the responsibility of the student to know exam deadlines. The library will keep the exam for 6 weeks from the date of receipt and then the exam will be destroyed.


Proctoring Exam Form | MCLS Proctoring Exam Form.pdf - Madison County Library System   Proctoring Exam Form

MCLS Proctoring Policy | MCLS Proctoring Policy 2018.pdf - Madison County Library System   MCLS Proctoring Policy

Madison County Library System
102 Priestley Street
Canton, MS 39046

Website partially funded by the federal Library Services and Technology ACT(LSTA) and administered by the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC) for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

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